QMT Windchimes Limited Edition February 2015 Windchime
Hosted By:
Co-Hosted By:
Java John Z's
Simply Sherryl
Michigan Savings and More
Everyday Southwest
My Silly Little Gang
Just Another Mom
Presents To You The:
QMT Windchime February 2015 Limited
Edition Chime Giveaway!
1 - Winner
1 - Winner
Holiday Contest and Sweeps is pleased to bring you the "QMT Windchimes 2015
February Limited Edition Chime Giveaway" perfect for Valentines Day. This is a
beautiful 28" Weatherland Windchime that comes with a Heart Engraved on the Wind
Catcher. Read My Weatherland Windchime Review here.
The Heart Engraved Wind Catcher is perfect way to show your love to
that special person in your life all year long.
QMT Windchimes® has been manufacturing hand-tuned wind chimes in America for over 30 years. We manufacture our chimes in Manassas Park, Virginia and use raw materials from American lumber and aluminum suppliers.
A Big Thank You To Our Sponsor
This giveaway is in no way endorsed, associated or affiliated with Facebook, Twitter or any other Social Media Networking Site. This giveaway is valid in the Continental United States only. Entrants must be 18+ years of age to enter. This giveaway will end at 12:00 AM (EST) 2/28/2015. Holiday Contest and Sweeps and The Minister's Wife Stamps and Saves did not receive any form of compensation for this Giveaway. QMT Windchimes will be responsible for awarding and the shipping of the prize directly to the winner.
This giveaway is in no way endorsed, associated or affiliated with Facebook, Twitter or any other Social Media Networking Site. This giveaway is valid in the Continental United States only. Entrants must be 18+ years of age to enter. This giveaway will end at 12:00 AM (EST) 2/28/2015. Holiday Contest and Sweeps and The Minister's Wife Stamps and Saves did not receive any form of compensation for this Giveaway. QMT Windchimes will be responsible for awarding and the shipping of the prize directly to the winner.
I shared this giveaway on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/steffany1985/posts/768423689918441?pnref=story.