Sunday, May 22, 2016

My Husband Loves Using Fancy Pedicure Foot Cream, But Don't Tell Anybody!

My husband has had dry skin for as long as I have known him. He was stubborn about using moisturizer until recently. He tried some out recently, Fancy Pedicure Moisturizing Natural Foot Cream. Here's what he thought!

My diabetes has led to serious foot issues, so moisturizing cream is a necessity. I'm not all that concerned with what's in a moisturizing cream, so long as it hydrates and counteracts the roughness that develops in the skin of my feet. So the claim of being 99.75% natural didn't attract me. But the long list of natural ingredients [avocado, burdock, black walnut, cayenne, and much more] suggests that this formula was carefully composed – these people are serious about what they offer.

There is very little scent to this cream, and virtually no greasy feeling. It spreads across the foot easily and is absorbed readily. Many creams seem to linger on the surface of the skin, to be wasted when absorbed by the socks. Not so with Fancy Pedicure.

To give this product a real test, I neglected my feet for two days, using no cream at all [don't tell my podiatrist]. They became very rough and dry. I used this moisturizer, and the next day the skin was back to its usual smooth condition. I've done this before with other products [don't tell my podiatrist] and never had such good results. With continued use I've noticed less peeling skin and an overall improvement in skin tone.

My elbows also seemed better, as did my kneecaps, after less than a week of daily use.

If you are less than completely satisfied with your current moisturizer, you should definitely try Fancy Pedicure.

(pssst....he wouldn't let me take a picture of him using it. LOL!)

This reviewer received the product free or at a discounted price in order to bring you an honest review. No other form of compensation was given. All opinions are those of the reviewer.

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