One company like that is OXA! I have to tell you, I am very impressed with their products, service and choices! We were able to try out five of their best bags and we are having a hard time figuring out which one we like the best.

It has one main zippered pocket, two smaller zippered pockets and a cell phone pocket. The main flap covers over all the compartments making it look sleek and simple. But it is a fantastic way to keep some things organized as you go hiking, carry things to and from work and more. My son is using it to carry things back and forth to work and loves how much it can carry and how sturdy the bag is. The adjustable shoulder strap makes it easy for him to use it over on shoulder or as a cross-body bag.

This bag is great for hiking, carrying things to class or for day trips where you might need a few things with you, but want both hands free and still be able to carry a little more with you in comfort. We like this smaller bag a lot. The smaller front zippered pocket is great to keep your phone in, your wallet and things you need to get to quickly. The largest pocket is big enough to carry a notebook and several books. it will hold a small laptop or a tablet, but it won't hold a larger laptop.

The bag has a great adjustable strap on it that can be shortened to carry as a bag or you can use the top handle that is attached to the bag to carry it. The two pockets that do not have a zipper closure are great for tucking your phone or iPod into. There is also a small grommet in the zippered compartment with all the tiny slots where you can put your iPod and extend your headphones through the grommet to listen while you walk.
I have been carrying this bag for a while now and I have to say that I really, really like it a lot. It has held everything I need when I go somewhere, from my wallet, Kindle , pens, a book, small makeup case, camera, and then more! But it is not bulky or too over sized. This is a great travel bag!

This is a 100% cotton canvas bag that is a backpackers dream! It has just the right number of pockets in it and it can function as a backpack or a duffle bag. There is one large compartment, 2 zippered front pockets and a smaller side pocket that is good for a phone to tuck into. One of the zippered pockets is just the right size for tucking your laptop into and it will carry quite safely when you use the bag as a backpack or duffle.
What we were really impressed with was how the bag goes from a duffle to a backpack by simply unzipping on section exposing the padded adjustable shoulder straps, and rolling up the flap out of the way. Super easy and you don't have to remove the shoulder straps and forget where you put them or be concerned with they taking up space inside the bag with all you other things. it also has a great shoulder strap to use when you carry it as a duffle bag that is adjustable and can betaken off and folded to fit in the small pocket on the bag. The main handle is really sturdy and easy to carry the bag with. My son has been using it almost every day and loves it.

The flap of the bag is held in place by magnets attached to leather straps that are adjustable. When it opens up it reveals a large main compartment that can be gathered together a little or a lot and kept in place with a slide closure. Inside the main compartment are two Velcro pockets that can hold quite a bit and can be used to keep things separated from other things so they don't get banged around. One of those pockets is padded and would work to hold and protect a laptop or tablet. There are also 2 small pockets near the top that can hold a cell phone or iPod easily. The last pocket is a small flap zippered pouch. It flips up out of the way so you can get to the pocket for the computer and it will hold you wallet or other similar items.
This is a really, really nice backpack and I have been using it on several trips I have had to make in the past few weeks. It carried a lot for me with ease and comfort. I really like this bad a lot and plan on using it for a long time!
In all, OXA has some amazing bags and I have been impressed. My son and husband have been too, The quality is really there and the function of each bag is obvious. Each one is versatile and can be used by men or women. My son and I both love the two messenger bags the most, but all 5 bags are things we will be using a lot as we go back and forth to work, meetings, travel and just run around town.
If you would like to purchase any one of the bags mentioned here, click on the names below.
OXA Men's Canvas Shoulder Messenger Bag
OXA Men's Vintage Chest Pack Crossbody Bag
OXA Men's Vintage Classic Messenger Bag
OXA Men's Canvas Backpack Travel Bag
OXA Men's Vintage Backpack Student Bag
This reviewer has been compensated with receiving the product free in order to bring you an honest review. All opinions are those of the reviewer.
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