Most of you have never seen m in person and have seldom seen pictures of me. I'm okay with the picture part. Hate getting my picture taken. But if you had ever seen me you would know that I have about three feet of hair. I've had long hair since I was 11 years old. A very long time! My husband loves it and never wants me to do more than trim it. I'm fine with that!
But taking care of long hair is not easy, and as you get older, unfortunately, hair starts to tin out and you don't ever seems to have as much as you did way back when. I have thin hair anyway, so losing hair is not a good thing at all.
Aveya Beauty has a helpful solution to that problem, Castor Oil for Hair Growth. Now I am not going to say it's a miracle and you will have this amazing head of hair if you use this product, but I will say that it helps. I was surprised at how it has made my hair feel and how it has helped my scalp.

It's really simple to use. It's best if used on wet hair and massaged into the hair and scalp. You leave it on for 30 minutes and then rinse off. I'll warn you, the smell is very strong and not the best, but it's worth it. i suggest once you have it on your hair to cover it with a shower cap. Keeps the odor down while you have it on. Oh it's not nasty, just strong! You could add an essential oil in a fragrance you enjoy while you use this to cut down on the smell. But the smell does not linger on your hair!
I have noticed that my hair feels so much better with it. It is incredibly soft now and I get fewer tangles than before. I have also noticed fewer hairs in my brushes after brushing my hair. I'm guessing that is because it is making the hair I have stronger and healthier. I can't really tell if more hair is growing in, but I am hoping so!
Making my hair looks nicer and fantastic. It feels amazing now and I love how easy it is to manage even after getting out of bed in the morning.
Oh an it's also a good moisturizer for your skin and helps with Alopecia. Here are some things you can use it for:
• Makes frizzy and difficult hair Soft, Silky, and Easier to Manage
• Awakens dull hair by giving it a Magnificent Shine
• Nourishes, Restores, and Strengthens over-processed, damaged, and brittle hair
• Residue-free oil Absorbs Quickly and Leaves Hair Feeling Light and Smelling Great
• Moisturizes dry scalp and Increases Hair Growth
• Enhances color treatments to ensure an even application
You can purchase your own Aveya Beauty Castor Oil for Hair Growth HERE!
We received samples of the products for the purpose of review. No other compensation was given. All opinions expressed here are those of the author.

It's really simple to use. It's best if used on wet hair and massaged into the hair and scalp. You leave it on for 30 minutes and then rinse off. I'll warn you, the smell is very strong and not the best, but it's worth it. i suggest once you have it on your hair to cover it with a shower cap. Keeps the odor down while you have it on. Oh it's not nasty, just strong! You could add an essential oil in a fragrance you enjoy while you use this to cut down on the smell. But the smell does not linger on your hair!
I have noticed that my hair feels so much better with it. It is incredibly soft now and I get fewer tangles than before. I have also noticed fewer hairs in my brushes after brushing my hair. I'm guessing that is because it is making the hair I have stronger and healthier. I can't really tell if more hair is growing in, but I am hoping so!
Making my hair looks nicer and fantastic. It feels amazing now and I love how easy it is to manage even after getting out of bed in the morning.
Oh an it's also a good moisturizer for your skin and helps with Alopecia. Here are some things you can use it for:
• Makes frizzy and difficult hair Soft, Silky, and Easier to Manage
• Awakens dull hair by giving it a Magnificent Shine
• Nourishes, Restores, and Strengthens over-processed, damaged, and brittle hair
• Residue-free oil Absorbs Quickly and Leaves Hair Feeling Light and Smelling Great
• Moisturizes dry scalp and Increases Hair Growth
• Enhances color treatments to ensure an even application
You can purchase your own Aveya Beauty Castor Oil for Hair Growth HERE!
We received samples of the products for the purpose of review. No other compensation was given. All opinions expressed here are those of the author.
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