Thursday, December 11, 2014

Bru Joy Kitchen Gadgets Are A Must For Any Kitchen

I may have mentioned in the past how much I love to have quality kitchen gadgets and tools. It makes preparing meals and providing for your family and friends easier and much more enjoyable.

Bru Joy is a company that offers some top quality products just for that reason, making life in the kitchen a little easier (a lot in some cases). They recently sent me some products to test out and I loved it, and so did my family.

The Pizza Cutter Wheel

This is one super good Pizza Wheel! With very little pressure it has gone through pizza slice after pizza slice. My guys think pizza is the perfect food (bread/grains, sausage/protein, onions & tomato sauce/veggies, cheese/dairy), so they come up with a reason and often as to why we need to have it.
The handle is easy to grip and just the right size for a comfortable grip. it's gone through thin, medium and thick crust with no problem.

The Best Garlic Press
We go through a lot of garlic at our house, and I love having something that makes preparing easier and less smellin on my hands. This garlic press really works so well! You can add the clove without peeling it, press and open. The garlic is pressed into perfect small pieces and the skin is left inside . it swings wide open too for easy cleaning and removing and stuck on bits of garlic. 
The little brush that comes with it keeps your fingers off the pressed garlic and helps clean out the little holes when you wash it. I love that!!

The Manual Can Opener
After testing out the can opener, my husband wanted to try it and was so impressed that he wanted to share his opinion about it:
The can opener has a good solid feel, without the least bit of "play" that the majority seem to have. It locked on to the cans first time, every time. The crank is a good size and easy to grip and turn. 
I have both arthritis and diabetic neuropathy, and my hands often ache if I open several cans. With this opener, I opened eight cans rapidly with no pain.
The wheel is super sharp and cute so easily. I can see why my husband liked it so much. My hands are not as arthritic as his, but after opening a lot of cans they can hurt. not with this can opener. It's wonderful!

You can buy the bru Joy Manual Can Opener HERE!

Bru Joy has lots of other wonderful products that are top quality just like these. You can learn more by connecting with bru Joy on their website & Facebook.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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