Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Southtree Helps Preserve Your Families Memories And Legacy!

Disclaimer: This is part of an advertorial.

I don't know about your family, but mine has always been big about taking photos, and lots of them. Not only do we have photos but we have lots of video tapes too. it's not easy corralling all that stuff into one easy way to watch and appreciate.

Thousands of families have boxes and bags and all kinds of containers filled with old negatives, slides, film, and more. It can really add up and add up fast. It can be overwhelming too. Plus where do you find the old electronic equipment to enjoy some of that stuff?Those things are very hard to find now, and even harder to keep running indefinitely so you can enjoy those oldie but goodie memories!

Southtree is about preserving outdated memories – tapes, film, photos, and audio – into digital keepsakes that are both usable and safe for future generations. I know digging through old things of my Moms when we cleaned out her apartment and finding old photos and slides was very special to me. I discovered special events, important people from my life and hers and so much about my family. Those are things i want my children to have in the future, yes and even my grand kids (if I ever get blessed with any)!

Southtree can help me and you preserve those memories and events in a way that can be shared for many generations. Here's how it works!

Southtree keep track of all your originals, barcodes them and then sends them back to you when they have finished putting them in digital format. Everything is very carefully handled and organized for you so you can enjoy those family memories for years to come!

Right now you can enjoy a special savings too! Recieve 25% off any order with the code: blog25. This offer expires 7/15, so don't delay preserving your families legacy! Click HERE!

This post was created in partnership with eAccountable. All opinions are my own.

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