Monday, May 5, 2014

Britenz Teeth Whitening Pen and Giveaway!

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.

Looking your best is something I think is important to most of us and a simple way to help us look our best is to have white teeth. I'm not talking about the super Hollywood bright white teeth. I'm talking about the healthy looking teeth we all want.

It's not easy to keep our teeth white. The enamel gets attacked by all kinds of things from the food we eat to pretty much everything we drink (ouch said the coffee fanatic!).

I have been able to test out a great product that helps with getting teeth white and then keeping them white; Britenz! It's a brush on teeth whitening product that works great!

The tube of Britenz is good sized, so it last quite a while. It's also easy to use! I love how my package came with a large tube and a small tube, like pictured above, so I can keep one at home and another I can carry in my purse to use any time I want!

The bristles of the brush get to places on your teeth that might not be reached by a whitening strip. That's a very good thing!

I know the lighting is a little different in the pictures below, but if you look closely, you can see at the gum line the teeth are much whiter in the after photo than the before. I won't say it is a miracle whitening pen, but it does a great job in helping get all parts of your teeth whiter. The bristles of the tip help get into the nooks and crevices much better than any strip can. That's one thing about strips that always bothered me. They got the surface whiter, but not the points where two teeth meet.

Before Britenz

After Britenz

The more I use the pen, the better my teeth stay. I can drink the coffee I love and know I can keep my teeth looking great with just a little effort of brushing on Britenz a couple times a day or even less!

You can find Britenz in various locations and can check HERE to find a store near you! But it is available a Whole Foods and online at Amazon!

But two of you can find out by winning the giveaway sponsored by Britenz! They have kindly offered to give two of my readers the same package of Britenz I received! Use the Rafflecopter below to enter for your chance to win!

The Britenz brand provided me with a sample of BritnezTeeth Whitening Pens in exchange for a product review. However, all the opinions expressed here are my own!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Soft drinks affect the color of your teeth

  2. Iced tea definitely

  3. I'm a tea drinker. This is probably the only culprit that affects the color of my teeth.

  4. Thanks to share this post.teeth whitening pen is a very good product.
