Friday, June 15, 2012

Summer Blog Challenge ~ Day 14

Ugh!! I completely forgot about this yesterday. I guess we are allowed once or twice having days get away from us.

Day 14 ~ Give your followers 15 tips to get trough life.

Wow could this be a subjective thing. Getting through life is so different for each of us. But I can give it a try by giving just some basic things we all need.

#1 ~ Don't take things too seriously. I learned this a long time ago. When I try to remember people don't always mean what they say and that things are not near as bad as I may think they are, life goes a lot easier.

#2 ~ Watch for the simple blessings. Way too often we don't notice the beautiful and simple blessings that come into our lives. Look for them purposely. Expect them! They are there whether you notice them or not. When was the last time you sat and watched a bee buzzing around some flowers? What an amazing creature that bee is. Take time to notice, because that bee blesses you by pollinating the plants you love.

#3 ~ Tell the people you love that you love them often. I can't begin to emphasize how important this one is. Most of us know that our loved ones love us, but don't you appreciate hearing it, even from your good friends? Well as much as you appreciate it, say it in return or better yet before they do.

#4 ~ Take time out to read. This is something that many people just don't make the time for. Reading can really relax your mind and thoughts. It can also keep your brain working well. It stimulates things up there that can help you with the rest of the day. I make it a goal each year to read at least 30 books. Sometimes I fall short, other times I read more. But I always take time to read and my brain thanks me for it!! I'm up to 12 this year so far.

#5 ~ Give hugs often. I grew up in a very non-touchy family. We just didn't hug that often. When I grew up I determined to change that for my kids. Now I can't say that we hug all the time, but my boys who are grown do not cringe when I try to give them a hug. And sometimes they still come over to me and seek one out for themselves. Hugs are important and they just feel good!!

#6 ~ Find a creative outlet. God gave us a creative side and it needs to be used. I love finding time to just make something in my craft room. Sometimes it may just be a card or a page in a scrapbook. Other times it might be a full blown work of art. But when I get creative I feel good and alive. We all have it in us. I have a friend who is really creative with food and I love what she does. It's part of who she is. So find something you love and create!!

#7 ~ Keep a journal. For years I have kept a series of journals. I call them my faith journals. They chronicle my walk with God. I can see where I was and where I have come from to where I am today. Reading back over them when I am going through a rough period in my life really helps remind me of how I have been through tough times before and I can make it through the current one.

#8 ~ Love unconditionally. This can be hard at times, but loving without any strings attached gives you so much freedom and it gives freedom to the people you love. They can be who they really are and don't have to feel like they need to perform for you to get that love. I grew up with a Dad who expected me to be and do the way he wanted me to. I tried so hard to get his approval and love and never quite met his expectations. Too many strings attached. So love without condition!!

#9 ~ Don't grow up completely! Oooh this is important. We adults forget sometimes what it is to be a kid and how to have fun. We're too uptight! Sometimes it's fun to just cut loose and be silly. When was the last time you laughed till you cried or your sides hurt? Try and remember what it was like to be a kid and it makes those generational gaps get a lot smaller. Plus it is really therapeutic to just have some good old fashioned fun!

#10 ~ Live with what makes you comfortable and not with the current fad. I am by far not someone who keeps up with having to do and be a part of all the latest trends and fads. Even though my last name is Jones I certainly don't keep up with them!! There are certain styles of clothing, furniture, colors, all kinds of things I just feel more comfortable around and often they are not what is currently "in". I don't care!! I know what I like and I am going to live with that. It makes me a better and happier person to be with. So live with what you love!

#11 ~ Be transparent. Don't you hate to be around someone who you know is hiding something or just not being themselves. It's uncomfortable. I'm not saying to bear your soul to anybody or everybody, but don't be afraid to be who you are at the moment. If you are sad, be sad. If you are happy, be happy. It doesn't mean you have to go to extremes, but don't tuck it away in the recesses of you. If people ask me how I am doing I tell them. I don't give them the pat answer, "I'm fine". I give them  the truth like, I've had better days, but I'll be okay, or fair to midland. I'll even say fantastic if that is how I feel. Don't be afraid to be who you are.

#12 ~ Write a letter once in a while. That means you have to put down the phone and no texting, shut off the computer and get out a pen and a piece of paper. There is nothing like getting a hand written note from a friend. It really makes you take the time to think about what you are writing. Receiving something in the mail that someone took the time to write and send you is special. Besides I love seeing the handwriting of my friends.

#13 ~ Laugh often. I know I read somewhere how important laughter is, but I don't remember the exact figures. I do know that it does help your blood pressure. That's a good thing. Laugh at yourself and the silly things you do. We all do them!! Laugh with others, not at them, with them. Laugh at the crazy antics you pet does. Gracious my Newfoundland keeps me in stitches!! Laugh with your kids and the goofy jokes they tell or crazy cartoons that make them giggle. Just laugh!!

#14 ~ Learn to say NO! Oh do I wish I had learned this many years ago. It would have saved me a lot of extra time, energy and grief. We don't have to be all to everyone. In fact we don't have to be all to anyone! It's okay to say no sometimes, even to our family. We just can't fit it all in. None of us is a super woman. No matter how hard we try we just can't be. All you do is make yourself miserable which in turn makes everyone else around you miserable. So just say NO sometimes. They'll get over it. It's good for them and you!

#15 ~ Find God!! I can't even begin to tell you how much of a difference this made in my life. When I found God my life made a complete turn around. Years I spent trying to feel important and significant, when all along I already was. I just didn't know it!!  Knowing who I really am in this world is a very peaceful thing and a very energizing thing. I am so thankful that I have my faith and all that comes with it!

I don't know how profound any of these might be. One thinks that giving tips to get through life must be profound usually. I do know that these are things that have helped me. They are also helping my kids who are two pretty well-rounded and happy guys. So you can take what I said with a grain of salt or you can take it seriously, your choice. But it's not a bad thing to think about once in a while.

So what tip would you share?

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