I am one of those unfortunate people who get headaches a lot. In fact I normally will get 3-4 migraines a month. So finding a good medicine to help me combat pain from a headache is really important.
But now that I am getting older, combating all kinds of odd aches and pains seems to be the norm. I wake up often with a new ouch somewhere, all a part of the fun aging process we all get to endure.
Like everyone else, I can't let pain get the best of me and stop me from doing what I need to do each day, although sometimes I wish it could. I've tried all kinds of pills and concoctions to help.
Advil is one of the pain relievers that does help, especially with all those odd little pains that are a part of aging. It is easy to take because of the coating and the size. Who likes to take some of those horse pill sized ones? Certainly not me!
What I really like though it that it seems to work fast. My joints don't ache for as long and I can move freely again without the ouches and ughs that accompany those painful joints.
So I do recommend Advil, especially for aches and pains. It has not helped my headaches as much, but not everyone reacts to all medicines the same way.
You can find Advil at any major retailer around the country and for a fairly good price too. That's always a good thing!
And now they make an Advil PM, which is a really good thing. You can get a good night's sleep and wake up with fewer, if any, aches and pains!
Here's a $3 coupon for Advil PM!! Just click to get yours, and you can print it twice!
I received samples from Advil through Crowdtap. I was not compensated in any other way for this post. All opinions expressed here are my own!
Thanks for sharing! - Crowdtap Team