Sunday, August 26, 2012

One Of The Best Books I Have Ever Read!!

I think by now if you are reading my blog, you have figured out that I love to read and I love to read a variety of topics and styles. I have some favorite books and this current book is right up there on my favorites list. It is one I read and am reading again because there is so much to it.

Steve Johnston really approaches where we are as a society in a way that is practical and accurate. Yes, he does look at things through the eyes of a Believer, but the facts he shares can not be disputed. He quotes form historical documents and books, which is something I really appreciate from a writer. I love when an author expresses their own opinion, but I love it even more when that opinion can be backed up with solid evidence.

Johnston starts where was needed, the beginning of how our culture got to where it is today. He followed the progression through history, explaining in detail how and why we have reached this point in time. He follows a very logical and deep direction throughout the book that keeps your attention and keeps you thinking on a level that many of us don't go to very often, either from fear or lack of knowledge. I'll be honest, it is not fun thinking about some of this. I knew from my own love of history much of the progression we have gone as a society, but to delve into it as deeply as this left me , well almost depressed. It is much easier as an average citizen to just sit back and go about the dailiness of life and not contemplate the big picture. This book draws you back into where we all should be, doing the work we have all been called to do as Believers.

As a Pastor's wife subjects like this book are never very far from me. I think I am exposed to this more than the lay person would be. My heart is heavy often seeing how people are living so blindly to what is going on around them. Johnston helps shake you to the core and wake you up. It's time for change and if that change does not come soon, it may bee too late! I may not agree with everything that the Tea Party stands for, nor am I member of the Tea Party, but I do appreciate where they are coming from and why! We have become too complacent and need to get our heads out of the sand!

A friend of mine who is an author mentioned that she met Steve Johnston. They both have the same publisher. She told me about how when he was talking about his book he was brought to tears, not because he wrote a book, but because he was thinking of the future for his grand child. To him, her future seems bleak. I have to agree! If there are not some very drastic changes in our society our future is bleak aside from the hope that Believers have!

More about the book:

America stands at a crossroads: culturally, economically, and politically. Enter The Tea Party Movement, whose focus is primarily fiscal conservatism, government accountability, and reduced taxation,

Currently, America suffers from a clash of worldviews, but the issue is much deeper that politics, it is ultimately a spiritual battle between good and evil. For the sake of generations to come, we need to win this war. We need to take action to defend our beliefs. We need to take the right road.

Meet Steve Johnston:

A long-time resident of California, author and economist Steve Johnston, B.S., J.D., earned a Junis Doctorate degree from Western State University of Law and a Theological degree from Calvary Chapel School on Ministry. Mr Johnston has over 20 years experience in prison ministry and Bible teaching, and has served as a chaplain in Orange County and Los Angeles jails as well as Pelican Bay, a California maximum security prison.

Mr. Johnston describes his book, The Tea Party Culture War (WinePress, 2011) as a systematic manifesto of the Tea Party Movement. Mr Johnston and his wife of 38 years divide their time between homes in Palm Desert, California and Brookings, Oregon. They have one adult daughter and one granddaughter.

Watch a trailer for the book HERE!

I received a copy of this book for the purposes of this review. I was not compensated in any other way. All opinions expressed here are my own.

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