Monday, January 30, 2012

Recyclebank and My Hair!

Recyclebank has an awesome program! How do I know? I've been a part of it for some time now and love it. I have earned some pretty neat freebies and discounts all from learning new and unique ways to recycle, as well as companies that support recycling through their products.

Now anyone reading this blog for any length of time knows how I have very long hair, um, 3 feet to be exact! So when I found out they started teaming up with Pantene I was thrilled!
Right now Recyclebank has a new quiz up that will help you earn 20 points towards a freebie or a super discount. Better yet you'll learn how the makers of Pantene are working hard to make their bottles much safer and friendlier for our planet! Plant based bottles, how cool is that?!

Take the quiz here!

Oh and over on their side bar is another 5 points you can get answering a simple question about Pantene! Have fun learning!!


  1. I love recyclebank! Great review! I have given you the Versatile Blogger award!
